SAYVA Leadership & Partner Organizations
In creating and ensuring the success of SAYVA, it is vital to have dynamic, dedicated lay leaders on board. We are thrilled to introduce the SAYVA Steering Committee who represent all our partner agencies (in alpha order below). They are leading with curiosity, excitement, and said “yes” to being part of a collaborative team on positive aging. Thank you!!
SAYVA Leadership Council
Rabbi Richard Camras, Renee Cohn*—HAMAKOM
Rabbi Jon Hanish, Sam Wildman*—Kol Tikvah
Rabbi Karen Bender, Rabbi Ron Goldberg, Annette Weinberg*, Alan Lipedes*, Joy Picus*—Fountainview at Los Angeles Jewish Health (LAJH)
Rabbi Becky Hoffman Sue Issler*, Sheila Reback*—Temple Ahavat Shalom
Rabbi Bruce Raff, Murray Heltzer*—Temple Judea/TJVillage
Rabbi Ahud Sela, Fanny Levy*, Stuart Waterstone*—Temple Ramat Zion
Rabbi Ed Feinstein, Helen Dosick*, Joel Hyatt*—Valley Beth Shalom/VBS Hazak
Also a Steering Committee Member
Our Partner Organizations
Fountainview of LA Jewish Health
Fountainview—distinctive luxury independent senior living communities in Los Angeles where an engaging lifestyle awaits. Here you will benefit from being part of a Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) under the umbrella of the highly regarded LAJHealth.

Hamakom counts more than 900 families as members, hosts a vibrant and inclusive religious school and one of the city’s most respected early childhood centers. We are proud of how each member brings his or her own story to our diverse community—such as those who have a multi-generational history at our congregation and those new to the city, of all ages and backgrounds who are seeking a Jewish community – a place to call home.

Kol Tikvah
At Kol Tikvah’s core there resides a single idea – joy. We describe this idea with the Hebrew word simcha. No matter whether we are praying, playing, studying, celebrating, or taking action to heal our world, we do it with joy in our hearts. In these moments of simcha, we connect to all that is holy.

Temple Ahavat Shalom
Temple Ahavat Shalom is the spirit, energy, and commitment of each of our members. We are college students and retirees, young families from traditional religious backgrounds and same sex couples seeking a creative Jewish connection. We are interfaith marriages, empty nesters, and skeptical singles.

Temple Judea
Temple Judea is a warm, welcoming, thriving Jewish family.From our youngest members in our Early Childhood Center to our seniors in TJVillage, as part of our synagogue, your spiritual life will be enriched with joy, encouragement, and relationship. Our tradition teaches us that synagogues are meant to fulfill three major functions: worship, learning, and connection, and we strive to be all three: Beit T’filah, Beit Midrash, and Beit K’nesset.

Temple Ramat Zion
Temple Ramat Zion (TRZ) is a conservative congregation that was built on the belief that we must strive to be a kehillah kedoshah, a holy community, that serves both the social and spiritual needs of its members and the charitable needs of the community outside its temple walls.

Valley Beth Shalom
Valley Beth Shalom is a synagogue community committed to the quest for a Jewish life that is Godly, meaningful, and purposeful.We are the largest Conservative congregation in the heart of the San Fernando Valley. We have gained a national reputation for our programs in Jewish learning and living. Here, you will find a place of deep thoughts and deeply thoughtful people. We offer a variety of prayer services, courses of learning, ongoing commitments to service and acts of kindness for those in need, and celebrations of Jewish culture.