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Fire relief support group—walk-in

VBS Counseling Center group to address issues regarding the fires. We are beginning on 2/5  Wednesdays at 10:00 to 1 :00.  This is a drop in meeting.  If people want to attend, but the time and date don't work for them they can contact the Counseling Center at 818 784-1414 for more information

Zamru Shabbat Service, Dinner & Speaker

Hamakom 7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA, United States

Zamru Shabbat Service, Dinner & Speaker Friday, February 7, 2025 • 9 Shevat 5785 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Hamakom: 7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA 91304 Our musical Zamru service begins at 6:00 pm in the Chapel, followed by dinner at 7:00 pm and speaker at 8:00 pm. If you are coming for the program […]

Look for the Light—Cantor’s Concert

Temple Ahavat Shalom 18200 Rinaldi Place, Northridge, CA, United States

Look for the Light—Cantor's Concert Saturday, February 8 at 7:30PM (click the image to RSVP online)

Lively Lunch Skirball Outing

Kol Tivkah: Lively Lunch Skirball Outing Tuesday,February  11  | 12:00 - 2:00 p.m. Join us for Lunch and a docent-led tour of Diane Von Furstenberg: Woman Before Fashion. Explore the remarkable life and work of fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg. This US debut exhibition—coinciding with the 50th anniversary of Diane von Furstenberg’s iconic wrap dress—includes […]

Jewish Meditation and Mussar: Taught by Hazzan Daniel Friedman

Jewish Meditation and Mussar: Taught by Hazzan Daniel Friedman Jany Jewish Meditation and Mussar: Taught by Hazzan Daniel Friedman 5 sessions: Tuesday, January 14th to Tuesday, February 11th.  From 7:00pm – 8:00pm at Temple Ramat Zion Introspection and visualization that could help to improve moral character. Exploring the middot ( character traits) and meditation techniques […]

Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews and Their Spies Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America

Temple RAMAT ZION 17655 Devonshire Street, Northridge, CA, United States

Hitler in Los Angeles: How Jews and Their Spies Foiled Nazi Plots Against Hollywood and America. Sunday, February 16, 1:30-3:00 pm Dr. Steven J. Ross, Professor of history at the University of Southern California and director of the Camden Institute for the Study of the Jewish Role in American Life. RSVP 818-360-1881

Jewish Meditation and Mussar: Taught by Hazzan Daniel Friedman

Jewish Meditation and Mussar: Taught by Hazzan Daniel Friedman Jany Jewish Meditation and Mussar: Taught by Hazzan Daniel Friedman 5 sessions: Tuesday, January 14th to Tuesday, February 11th.  From 7:00pm – 8:00pm at Temple Ramat Zion Introspection and visualization that could help to improve moral character. Exploring the middot ( character traits) and meditation techniques […]

Growing Older, Growing Wiser: ONLINE ZOOM SERIES

ONLINE SERIES: Join Rabbi Raff and Margaret Altschul, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, for a series of conversations on Zoom about Growing Older, Growing Wiser! In the four-part series, we will  explore what Jewish tradition teaches about finding meaning and purpose in later adulthood. Engage in deep conversations, share reflections on growing older…how you stay creative and […]

Cinema Journey: Dark Waters

Hamakom 7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills, CA, United States

Cinema Journey: Dark Waters March 18 beginning at 7 pm What happens when corporations gain control over local economies, public institutions and the political system? Cinema Journey is open to anyone interested in watching and discussing meaningful movies.

TJVillage Thursday Program: Dynamic Cyber Warriors Return for Update 2025

Temple Judah 5429 Lindley Avenue, Tarzana, CA, United States

TJVillage Thursday Program: Dynamic Cyber Warriors Return for Update 2025 Thursday, March 20, 2025 • 20 Adar 5785—1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Littman Music Room David Babcock and Chris Hodek present real life criminal case studies and tactics you can use to defend yourself and protect your assets from cybercrime David Babcock and Chris Hodek are current members of theLos Angeles County […]

Walk with the Rabbi

Lake Balboa Park 6300 balboa blvd, lake balboa, CA, United States

UPCOMING: Walk with the Rabbi — beginning at 10:00AM FYI: Candace Blaz instead of Sam Wildman will be there this week to greet. Lake Balboa Park, 6300 Balboa Blvd Lake Balboa, 91406 Use the form below to RSVP: