Thursday, March 20, 2025 • 20 Adar 5785—1:30 PM – 3:00 PM
Littman Music Room
David Babcock and Chris Hodek present real life criminal case studies and tactics you can use to defend yourself and protect your assets from cybercrime
David Babcock and Chris Hodek are current members of theLos Angeles County District Attorney’s Office Cyber Investigation Response Team and the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Identity Theft Task Force. Their Unit investigates cyber-attacks
and intellectual property thefts targeting LA County government
technology assets and resources, including human resources.
Dave and Chris have trained thousands of IT security
professionals and citizens in the disciplines of in-depth cyber
security, risk reduction, and Internet investigations. Their daily
challenge is to keep up with changing crime methods and
educate their colleagues and the public on how to thwart
criminals. Learn what’s new and most effective in cybercrime