Volunteer Resource: Special Needs
Braille Institute | https://brailleinstitute.org/losangeles (323) 663-1111 | Located in Hollywood Volunteer opportunities include: Guiding students, assisting students and instructors |
Challenger League | https://www.littleleague.org/play-little-league/challenger/ Email: [email protected] (to find the closest division to you) | Little league for physically/intellectually disabled up to age 22; Senior league is age 15+ Volunteer opportunities include: Volunteering as a buddy for a player, recruitment, administrative support, and fundraising support |
Etta Israel | https://etta.org (818) 439-5951 | Leah Schachter. – Director of Volunteers Serves adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to help them to be active and independent). Serves those in their group homes and those in the community Volunteer opportunities include: Teaching (and assisting classes)- eg challah baking, art, cooking, and other topics of interest; chaperoning field trips in the community. |
Friendship Circle | https://www.friendshipcircle.com (310) 280-0955 | Contact: Liam Based primarily in Pico-Robertson Serves clients with special needs aged 5 – young adult Volunteer opportunities include assisting with Sunday school, summer camp, pre-holiday programs; one on one matches. |
Helping Hands for the Blind | http://www.helpinghands4theblind.net Email: [email protected] | Contact: Bob Acosta Promotes social, economic and educational opportunities for the blind |
Inclusion Matters by Shane’s Inspiration | https://inclusionmatters.org (818) 988-5676 | Dedicated to creating play, dignity, and social equity for children with disabilities through inclusive playgrounds and education. Volunteer opportunities Include: Office support, community outreach, volunteering at events, volunteering with social media |
Jewish Family Service – Chaverim | https://www.jfsla.org/program/specialneedslifeskills/ (818) 464-3360 Email [email protected] | Provides social activities for adults with diverse abilities Volunteer opportunities include: Leading (and assisting) activities on zoom, chaperoning field trips, driving people on errands, and intake. |
Kosher Meals on Wheels | (323) 937-5852 | Meals for the homebound and those of diverse abilities |
National Down Syndrome Society | https://ndss.org | Empowers those with Down syndrome and their families, provides resources, connects with community Volunteer opportunities include: Assisting at events, participating at buddy walk, advocacy, volunteering as an athlete ambassador |